Cupcakes & Caviar

Captain Morgan

Spiced Red Sangria – Perfect for Fall


One of my favorite go-to cocktails is Sangria! You can have it red, you can have it white, you can have it sparkling, and you can have it all…year…long. With Fall finally here and temperatures dropping, a Spiced Red Sangria sounded like the perfect cocktail for the season! As soon as temperatures dropped past 65 degrees here […] Read more…

Spiced Banana Rum Cupcakes

banana rum cupcakes

I love bananas. I love cupcakes. I love Rum! So Banana Rum Cupcakes? Extra in love! What’s better than a decadent sweet spiked cupcake? Nada, nothing, zip! Add a peanut butter buttercream frosting and you’ve got a serious winner. I definitely prefer cooking to baking, but I can still hold it down in the baking […] Read more…

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